Archive for March, 2010|Monthly archive page

Cuba’s (In)justice

From the LA Times, linked below:

Amnesty International had counted 55 “prisoners of conscience” in Cuban jails — make that 54 now. A Human Rights Watch report on Cuban prisoners last year documented how those who criticize the government or report violations are subjected to extended periods of solitary confinement and beatings and denied medical treatment, family visits and telephone calls. Human Rights Watch documented dozens of cases in which prison officials physically abused and humiliated political prisoners. Prison authorities routinely subjected them to solitary confinement in cells described as cramped, squalid, without bedding — some in total darkness, others with permanent bright lights — and provided rotting, inadequate food at irregular intervals.,0,1293571.story

I am thankful that unlike Cuba, my country gives me the freedom to dissent. This man is dead for protesting an abusive government. Not fair!