Archive for December, 2007|Monthly archive page

I think…

I am depressed.  I have no heart for writing at the moment. Work is unpleasant. Swimming upstream trying to get somewhere with seminary classes this year. There is always much to be thankful for but at present my heart is low.

However – 

I just read some well written editorials and was reminded how much I wish I could write with power and wit. Someday…

I intend to begin posting again more regularly next year but for the rest of this year, I won’t even kid myself.

and, However –

I am definitely looking forward to the holidays. I love Christmas. I love eating and being with family, even though I am somewhat fidgety and have a hard time sitting still for any length of time. We will play games and roll our eyes as parents talk about how wonderful life used to be. We will laugh. We will consume various versions of “Christmas Carol” and marinade in the emotions. I will sit with the kids and watch the Ron Howard / Jim Carey version of the Grinch. I do love Christmas. My young son is counting the days. Kids and Christmas – nothing better!